Our Community Offerings

  • Community Fundraiser Class

    This is a donation based class to benefit local community organizations.

    If you are an organization interested in how we might be able to help, please CLICK HERE.

  • Second Sunday-Community Class

    This is a beginner friendly class held the 2nd Sunday of the Month from 6-7p. $5 deposit required that will be credited back to your account for your next purchase.

  • Beyond Asana Book Club

    This is a donation based club held every other Tuesday at 11am with 50% of revenue donated to Karma Inspired Yoga. This club will run for 6 sessions and hosts approximately 10 participants. For full details and registration see button below.

Need help affording yoga? Please reach out to see how we may be able to assist with a Sponsorship.

As a community yoga studio, our goal is for yoga to be accessible for everyone. We understand that cost can be a factor in building a practice at a studio, which is why we have a yoga sponsorship program. This program is funded by our donation based offerings. The mission is to assist students who desire to attend regularly and would benefit from some financial assistance in doing so.