Passes and Memberships
New Student Special $47
Not sure where to start? Then this is perfect for you. Try 21 days of Unlimited Yoga and explore all we have to offer!
Click link for additional details!
Unlimited Membership $94
Already practicing more then 5 times a month? Then become an unlimited member!
Loaded with other great perks! Click link below for full details.
Basic Membership $65
Able to slip away and practice once a week? Then this membership is perfect for you!
Good for 5 classes each month. Has some other great perks! Click below for full details.
10 Class Pass $150
Not sure about a regular practice just yet? Then try our 10 class pack!
Click below for more info and FAQ
5 Class Pass $80
5 Classes and 3 months to use. Great for a pop in practice here and there!
Drop In Class $18
Just popping in? Can be used for any routine class.
Private Yoga Session $65
Looking for something more tailored to your unique needs? Get specialized tips and a deeper understanding of what will work for your unique abilities with a private session.
Annual Membership $1014.99
Ready to fully commit? Then we want to help you save. This membership also comes with extra perks!
Chair Yoga Drop In $10
Just want to stop by for chair yoga? Can be used for our weekly chair class.