Amber Broyles-FOunder & RYT-500

I first discovered Yoga in college over 20 years ago in 2000 when I took a semester of Hatha Yoga at Ball State University. I was immediately fascinated by this ancient practice. It was the first time I had ever heard about the mind-body connection. It was also my first introduction into meditation and breathing practices. Unfortunately, Yoga was not yet a common practice in Midwest Indiana. Yoga slipped away from me as I graduated and started moving into busy adult life full of challenges, joy, and suffering.

In 2017, after feeling burnt out and tired from work, life, and mainstream fitness programs I remembered Yoga. Thankfully a lovely new Yoga studio (The Corner Mat) had recently opened and I became a regular practitioner. I quickly understood it wasn't just my body and mind that were burnt out, it was my soul that was in desperate need of this! Though Yoga I reconnected to myself and cultivated a deeper capacity to love myself and subsequently those around me. I started to understand that there was space between what was happening to me, and my response to it. I learned to pause and take a breath when I felt myself being pulled around by my emotions. I found awareness that my thoughts were not me and often times my mind lied. I began to value stillness. I started to pray again. Yoga gave me a taste of Sukha, that deep lasting state of happiness and comfort that is always within us and can be accessed again and again.

In 2020, I again felt my practice slipping away. I moved away from Indiana to Dayton and married my amazing husband. However, COVID isolated me from finding a studio and a community to practice with. I did my best to practice online, and set up a space at home, but I was lonely and longing for community. In September 2021, I started my Yoga Teacher Training with Devon Schmidt at Day Yoga in Dayton. I started teaching a regular Yoga class at Day Yoga in March 2022, graduated with my 200 Hour July 2022, and registered with Yoga Alliance in August 2022. I am a certified Chair Yoga Teacher and completed my training through Yoga Heals Us with Karen O'Donnell Clark. I recently completed my 300 HR Teacher Training with Michelle Young of My Vinyasa Practice located in Austin, TX. My teacher training at Day Yoga led me to a community of yoga practitioners and friends that I will forever be grateful for. It renewed my sense of purpose and started me on a trajectory that has led to the inspiration for Sukha Inspired LLC.

In my professional life, I have spent the last 20 years in social service roles serving persons living with developmental and intellectual disabilities. I have always been motivated to help others and I have experienced deep purpose from my professional endeavors. However, it is the most exciting privilege of my life to open Sukha Inspired and share Yoga with others. It is my prayer that I can encourage and support anyone interested in this life changing practice.

I hope you don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, or needs. Please stop by for a cup of tea and a chat! I promise to meet you with an open heart and mind.