I discovered yoga shortly after the birth of my second child. I was isolated and overwhelmed as a new stay at home mom, having stopped working full time as a CPA to stay home with our kids. There was a yoga class going on at the gym I was going to, and the dim lights and peaceful energy coming from the room drew me in, and I was hooked from that first class. When we moved to the Dayton area from Utah 6 years ago, I joined Day Yoga studio to deepen my practice. I finished my 200YTT in 2021. Yoga has helped me learn to accept and then love my body. It has improved my mental health and given me an outlet to manage stress and anxiety. I am currently working on a certification to teach Oncology Yoga through yoga4cancer (or y4c).It is an evidence-informed yoga method specifically tailored to address the physical and emotional needs of those touched by cancer. Having recently gone through cancer treatments myself, I am excited to share what I have learned, and what has helped me get through my own cancer journey.