teacher feature

Maureen Warren

(Picture of Maureen hiking Mount Rogers in Virginia with her ride or die BFF Tatum)

Selected Poem from Maureen:

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless. I will not fix you. For you are not broken. I will not heal you. For I see you in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness and remember your light.
Sheree Bliss Tilsley

Q-What classes and workshops do you offer?

 A-I teach aroma flow and yin classes  on a weekly basis.  I also love to teach yoga events that raise money and donations for local charities in our community! The students that practice in our studio are always willing to champion a good cause! 

 Q-How would you encourage consistency and growth in a yoga practice?

A-Personally, I have found that my practice has grown and become more consistent as I started to recognize that yoga offers me necessary self-care. Once I realized how important the need was to nurture my mind and body, I was really able to prioritize and deepen my yoga practice. 

Q-What advice would you give to someone just starting their yoga journey?

A-Explore as many aspects of yoga as you can! There are so many styles of yoga, breathwork techniques, and meditation practices available,  so try a little of everything!